Source code for core.system

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[ ]:

import sys

from import *
from simtk.openmm import *
from simtk import unit

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import re
import json

from .geometry import geometry
from parameters import ca_parameters
from parameters import oplsaa
from parameters import amber

# In[ ]:

[docs]class system: """ A class containing methods and parameters for generating Structure Based Models (SBM) systems to be simulated using the OpenMM interface. It offers flexibility to create default and custom SBM systems and to easily modify their parameters. Attributes ---------- structure_path : string Path to the pdb or cif input file structure : or Object that holds the information of OpenMM PDB or CIF parsing methods. topology : OpenMM topology of the model. positions : unit.quantity.Quantity Atomic positions of the model. particles_mass : float or list Mass of each particle. If float then uniform masses are given to all particles. If list per-particle masses are assigned. model_type : string String representing the model type: All-atom (AA), alpha-carbon (CA) or multi-basin variants (AA-MB, CA-MB). atoms : list A list of the current atoms in the model. The items are initialised classes. n_atoms : int Total numer of atoms in the model. bonds : collections.OrderedDict A dict that uses bonds (2-tuple of objects) present in the model as keys and their forcefield properties as values. bonds_indexes : list A list containing the zero-based indexes of the atoms defining the bonds in the model. n_bonds : int Total numer of bonds in the model. angles : collections.OrderedDict A dict that uses angles (3-tuple of objects) present in the model as keys and their forcefield properties as values. angles_indexes : list A list containing the zero-based indexes of the atoms defining the angles in the model. n_angles : int Total numer of angles in the model. torsions : collections.OrderedDict A dict that uses proper torsions (4-tuple of objects) present in the model as keys and their forcefield properties as values. torions_indexes : list A list containing the zero-based indexes of the atoms defining the torsions in the model. n_torsions : int Total numer of proper torsions in the model. impropers : collections.OrderedDict A dict that uses improper torsions (4-tuple of objects) present in the model as keys and their forcefield properties as values. impropers_indexes : list A list containing the zero-based indexes of the atoms defining the imporpers in the model. n_impropers : int Total numer of improper torsions in the model. planars : collections.OrderedDict A dict that uses planar torsions (4-tuple of objects) present in the model as keys and their forcefield properties as values. planars_indexes : list A list containing the zero-based indexes of the atoms defining the planars in the model. n_planars : int Total numer of planar torsions in the model. contacts : collections.OrderedDict A dict that uses native contacts (2-tuple of objects present in the model as keys and their forcefield properties as values. contacts_indexes : list A list containing the zero-based indexes of the atoms defining the contacts in the model. n_contacts : int Total numer of native contacts in the model. torsions_group : dict A dict that uses proper torsions two central atoms (2-tuple of objects) present in the model's topology as keys and the number of torsions (int) that share these same middle bond atoms as values. torsions_type : dict A dict that uses proper torsions (4-tuple of objects) present in the model as keys and, a string representing wheter the torsion is classified as 'backbone' or 'sidechain' as values. energy_constant : dict A dict that holds the value for the different energy terms parameters used by different SBM models and forces. harmonicBondForce : openmm.HarmonicBondForce Stores the OpenMM HarmonicBondForce initialised-class. Implements an harmonic bond potential between pairs of particles, that depends quadratically on their distance. harmonicAngleForce : openmm.HarmonicAngleForce Stores the OpenMM HarmonicAngleForce initialised-class. Implements an harmonic angle potential between trios of particles, that depends quadratically on their angle length. periodicTorsionForce : openmm.CustomTorsionForce Stores the OpenMM CustomTorsionForce initialised-class. Implements a force potential that varies periodically with the value of the proper torsion angle. generalPeriodicTorsionForce : openmm.CustomTorsionForce Stores the OpenMM CustomTorsionForce initialised-class. Implements a general force potential that varies periodically with the value of the proper torsion angle. harmonicImproperForce : openmm.CustomTorsionForce Stores the OpenMM CustomTorsionForce initialised-class. Implements a force potential that varies quadratically with the value of the improper torsion angle. harmonicPlanarForce : openmm.CustomTorsionForce Stores the OpenMM CustomTorsionForce initialised-class. Implements a force potential that varies quadratically with the value of the planar torsion angle. lj12_6contactForce : openmm.CustomBondForce Stores the OpenMM CustomBondForce initialised-class to be applied to non-bonded interactions between native contact pairs. Implements a lennard-jones potential with exponents 12 and 6 for the repulsive and attractive componenets, respectively. lj12_10contactForce : openmm.CustomBondForce Stores the OpenMM CustomBondForce initialised-class to be applied to non-bonded interactions between native contact pairs. Implements a lennard-jones potential with exponents 12 and 10 for the repulsive and attractive components, respectively. lj12_10_6contactForce : openmm.CustomBondForce Stores the OpenMM CustomBondForce initialised-class to be applied to non-bonded interactions between native contact pairs. Implements a lennard-jones potential with exponents 12 and 10 for the repulsive and attractive components, respectively, and an additional 6-exponent term to model a “desolvation penalty” for forming/breaking contacts. singleGaussianContactForce : openmm.CustomNonbondedForce Stores the OpenMM CustomBondForce initialised-class to be applied to non-bonded interactions between native contact pairs with single minimum. Implements a mixed lennard-jones (repulsive) and gaussian potential (attractive) with separate control of equilibrium distance and excluded volume. doubleGaussianContactForce : openmm.CustomNonbondedForce Stores the OpenMM CustomBondForce initialised-class to be applied to non-bonded interactions between native contact pairs with two minima. Implements a mixed lennard-jones (repulsive) and gaussian potential (attractive) with separate control of the equilibrium distances and excluded volume. ljRepulsionForce : openmm.CustomNonbondedForce Stores the OpenMM CustomBondForce initialised-class to be applied to the non-bonded interactions between non-native contact pairs. Implements only a repulsive lennard-jones potential with exponent 12. forceGroups : collections.OrderedDict A dict that uses force names as keys and their corresponding force as values. system : openmm.System Stores the OpenMM System initialised class. It stores all the forcefield information for the SBM model. rf_epsilon : float Epsilon parameter used in the repulsion force object. rf_sigma : float Sigma parameter used in the repulsion force object. rf_cutoff : float Cutoff value used for repulsion force interactions. exclusions : list List of added exclusions for the repuslion non-bonded term. Methods ------- removeHydrogens() Remove hydrogens from the input structure by using a regexpression pattern. Used specially for creating all atom (AA) models. getCAlphaOnly() Filter in only alpha carbon atoms from the input structure and updates the topology object to add new bonds between them. Used specially for creating alpha-carbon (CA) corse-grained models. getAtoms() Reads atoms from topology, adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. getBonds() Reads bonds from topology, adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. getAngles() Reads bonds from topology and creates a list of all possible angles, adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. getProperTorsions() Using the created angles, usually by the getAngles() method, creates a list of all possible proper torsion dihedral angles, filtering out torsions based on residue-specific rules (only for the all-atom model). The torsions are then added to the main class and sorted into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. getImpropers() Create improper torsions based on backbone and sidechain residue-specific rules (all-atom model only), adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. getPlanars() Create planar torsions based on backbone and sidechain residue-specific rules (all-atom model only), adds them to the main class and sorts them into a dictionary to store their forcefield properties. readContactFile() Reads a file containing native contact information and adds it into the main class. The file can be smog-style (4 columns) or given as 2 columns. The format will be automatically detected. setBondParameters() Change the forcefield parameters for bonded terms. setAngleParameters() Change the forcefield parameters for angle terms. setProperTorsionParameters() Change the forcefield parameters for proper torsion terms. setImproperParameters() Change the forcefield parameters for improper torsion terms. setPlanarParameters() Change the forcefield parameters for planar torsion terms. setNativeContactParameters() Change the forcefield parameters for native contact terms. setParticlesMasses() Change the mass parameter for each atom in the system. setParticlesRadii() Change the excluded volume radius parameter for each atom in the system. addHarmonicBondForces() Creates an harmonic bonded force term for each bond in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. addHarmonicAngleForces() Creates an harmonic angle force term for each angle in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. addPeriodicTorsionForces() Creates a periodic torsion force term for each proper torsion in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. addGenericPeriodicTorsionForces() Creates a periodic torsion force term for each proper torsion in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. addHarmonicImproperForces() Creates an harmonic torsion force term for each improper torsion in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. Used specially for simulating All Atom systems. addHarmonicPlanarForces() Creates an harmonic torsion force term for each planar torsion in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. Used specially for simulating All Atom systems. addLJ12_6ContactForces() Creates a 12-6 Lennard-Jones bond potential for each native contact in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. Used specially for simulating All Atom systems. addLJ12_10ContactForces() Creates a 12-10 Lennard-Jones bond potential for each native contact in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. Used specially for simulating coarse-grained alpha-carbon systems. addGaussianContactForces() Creates a gaussian single and double basin bond potential for each native contact in the main class using their defined forcefield parameters. The contacts are recognized according two the number of parameters given as values in the attribute system. 3-parameters for single-basin potential and 4-paramters for dual-basin potentials. addLJRepulsionForces() Creates a repulsive-only 12 Lennard-Jones non-bonded potential specifying a exclusion list for bond, angle, torsion, and native contact terms. groupTorsionsbyBBAndSC() Groups proper torsions by backbone and sidechain torsions. Used exclusively for simulating all-atom SBM. getAATorsionParameters() Generates default periodic torsion forcefield parameters, for proper torsions, using pre-defined assignment schemes. Used exclusively for simulating all-atom SBM. getAANativeContactParameters() Generates default bonded contact forcefield parameters, for native contacts, using pre-defined assignment schemes. Used exclusively for simulating all-atom SBM. createSystemObject() Creates OpenMM system object adding particles, masses and forces. It also groups the added forces into Force-Groups for the sbmReporter class. addParticles() Add particles to the system OpenMM class instance. addSystemForces() Add forces to the system OpenMM class instance. It also save names for the added forces to include them in the reporter class. dumpStructure() Writes a structure file of the system in its current state. dumpForceFieldData() Writes to a file the parameters of the SBM forcefield. loadForcefieldFromFile() Loads forcefield parameters from a sbmOpenMM force field file written with the dumpForceFieldData() method. setCAMassPerResidueType() Sets alpha carbon atoms to their average residue mass. Used specially for modifying alpha-carbon (CA) corse-grained models. setCARadiusPerResidueType() Sets alpha carbon atoms to their average residue mass. Used specially for modifying alpha-carbon (CA) corse-grained models. setAAMassPerAtomType() Sets every atom mass to its element mass. Used specially for all-atom models. setAARadiusPerAtomType() Sets every atom radius to its element mass. Used specially for all-atom models. """ def __init__(self, structure_path, particles_mass=1.0): """ Initialises the SBM OpenMM system class. Parameters ---------- structure_path : string Name of the input PDB or CIF file particles_mass : float or list mass of all the particles in the system. Returns ------- None """ #Define structure object attributes self.structure_path = structure_path # Recognize format of input structure file if structure_path.endswith('.pdb'): self.structure = PDBFile(structure_path) elif structure_path.endswith('.cif'): self.structure = pdbxfile.PDBxFile(structure_path) else: raise ValueError('Structure file extension not recognized. It must end with .pdb or .cif accordingly.') self.topology = self.structure.topology self.positions = self.structure.positions self.particles_mass = particles_mass self.model_type = None #Define geometric attributes self.atoms = [] self.n_atoms = None self.bonds = OrderedDict() self.bonds_indexes = [] self.n_bonds = None self.angles = OrderedDict() self.angles_indexes = [] self.n_angles = None self.torsions = OrderedDict() self.torsions_indexes = [] self.n_torsions = None self.impropers = OrderedDict() self.impropers_indexes = [] self.n_impropers = None self.planars = OrderedDict() self.planars_indexes = [] self.n_planars = None self.contacts = OrderedDict() self.contacts_indexes = [] self.n_contacts = None #Define force field attributes self.torsions_group = {} self.torsions_type = {} self.energy_constant = {} #Define force attributes self.harmonicBondForce = None self.harmonicAngleForce = None self.periodicTorsionForce = None self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce = None self.harmonicImproperForce = None self.harmonicPlanarForce = None self.lj12_6contactForce = None self.lj12_10contactForce = None self.lj12_10_6contactForce = None self.singleGaussianContactForce = None self.doubleGaussianContactForce = None self.ljRepulsionForce = None self.rf_sigma = None self.rf_epsilon = None self.rf_cutoff = None self.exclusions = [] self.forceGroups = OrderedDict() #Initialise an OpenMM system class instance self.system = openmm.System()
[docs] def removeHydrogens(self): """ Removes all hydrogen atoms in the topology from the SBM system. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #save all hydrogen atoms atomsToRemove = [] _hydrogen = re.compile("[123 ]*H.*") for a in self.topology.atoms(): if _hydrogen.match( atomsToRemove.append(a) #Remove all hydrogen atoms modeller_topology = modeller.Modeller(self.topology, self.positions) modeller_topology.delete(atomsToRemove) self.topology = modeller_topology.getTopology() self.positions = modeller_topology.getPositions() self.model_type = 'AA'
[docs] def getCAlphaOnly(self): """ Keeps in the SBM system only the alpha carbon atoms from the OpenMM topology. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #save all non C-alpha atoms atomsToRemove = [] oldIndex = [] for a in self.topology.atoms(): if != 'CA': atomsToRemove.append(a) #Remove all non C-alpha atoms modeller_topology = modeller.Modeller(self.topology, self.positions) modeller_topology.delete(atomsToRemove) self.topology = modeller_topology.getTopology() self.positions = modeller_topology.getPositions() #Update system atoms atoms = list(self.topology.atoms()) #Add bonds between C-alpha atoms of the same chain for i in range(1,len(atoms)): current_chain = atoms[i].residue.chain if i == 1: previous_chain = current_chain #Add bond only when atoms belong to the same chain if current_chain == previous_chain: self.topology.addBond(atoms[i-1], atoms[i]) previous_chain = current_chain self.model_type = 'CA'
[docs] def getAtoms(self): """ Adds atoms in the OpenMM topology instance to the sbmOpenMM system class. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Get Atoms From Topology atoms = [] for atom in self.topology.atoms(): atoms.append(atom) #Sort atoms by index atoms = sorted(atoms, key=lambda x:x.index) #Add atoms to sbm object self.n_atoms = 0 for atom in atoms: self.atoms.append(atom) self.n_atoms += 1
[docs] def getBonds(self): """ Adds bonds in the OpenMM topology instance to the sbmOpenMM system class. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Get Bonds From Topology bonds = [] for bond in self.topology.bonds(): if bond[0].index > bond[1].index: bonds.append((bond[1], bond[0])) else: bonds.append((bond[0], bond[1])) #Sort bonds by index of first atom bonds = sorted(bonds, key=lambda x:x[0].index) #Add bonds to sbm object self.n_bonds = 0 for bond in bonds: p1 = self.positions[bond[0].index] p2 = self.positions[bond[1].index] bond_length =, p2) self.bonds[bond] = (bond_length, None) self.n_bonds += 1 #Store bond indexes self.bonds_indexes.append((bond[0].index, bond[1].index)) #Record which atoms are bonded to each other self.bondedTo = {} for atom in self.topology.atoms(): self.bondedTo[atom] = [] for bond in self.topology.bonds(): self.bondedTo[bond[0]].append(bond[1]) self.bondedTo[bond[1]].append(bond[0])
[docs] def getAngles(self): """ Adds angles to the sbmOpenMM system class based on the bondings in the topology object. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ # Make a list of all unique angles uniqueAngles = set() for bond in self.bonds: for atom in self.bondedTo[bond[0]]: if atom != bond[1]: if atom.index < bond[1].index: uniqueAngles.add((atom, bond[0], bond[1])) else: uniqueAngles.add((bond[1], bond[0], atom)) for atom in self.bondedTo[bond[1]]: if atom != bond[0]: if atom.index > bond[0].index: uniqueAngles.add((bond[0], bond[1], atom)) else: uniqueAngles.add((atom, bond[1], bond[0])) #Sort angles by index of first atom uniqueAngles = sorted(list(uniqueAngles), key=lambda x:x[0].index) #Add angles to sbm object self.n_angles = 0 for angle in uniqueAngles: p1 = self.positions[angle[0].index] p2 = self.positions[angle[1].index] p3 = self.positions[angle[2].index] angle_length = geometry.angle(p1, p2, p3) self.angles[angle] = (angle_length, None) self.n_angles += 1 #Store angle indexes self.angles_indexes.append((angle[0].index, angle[1].index, angle[2].index))
[docs] def getProperTorsions(self): """ Adds proper torsions to the sbmOpenMM system class based on the bonded angles in it. Excludes special torsions for rings and backbones. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ # Make a list of all unique proper torsions uniqueTorsions = set() for angle in self.angles: for atom in self.bondedTo[angle[0]]: if atom not in angle: if atom.index < angle[2].index: uniqueTorsions.add((atom, angle[0], angle[1], angle[2])) else: uniqueTorsions.add((angle[2], angle[1], angle[0], atom)) for atom in self.bondedTo[angle[2]]: if atom not in angle: if atom.index > angle[0].index: uniqueTorsions.add((angle[0], angle[1], angle[2], atom)) else: uniqueTorsions.add((atom, angle[2], angle[1], angle[0])) #Create dictionary with ring atoms for generating exclusions self.ring_exclusions = {} self.ring_exclusions['PRO'] = ['CA', 'N', 'CB', 'CD', 'CG'] self.ring_exclusions['HIS'] = ['CG', 'ND1', 'CD2', 'CE1', 'NE2'] self.ring_exclusions['TYR'] = ['CG', 'CD1', 'CD2', 'CE1', 'CE2', 'CZ'] self.ring_exclusions['PHE'] = ['CG', 'CD1', 'CD2', 'CE1', 'CE2', 'CZ'] self.ring_exclusions['TRP'] = ['CG', 'CD1', 'CD2', 'NE1', 'CE2', 'CE3', 'CZ2', 'CZ3', 'CH2'] #Exclude torsions inside rings toExclude = set() for torsion in uniqueTorsions: if list(np.array([t.residue.index for t in torsion]) - torsion[0].residue.index) == [0, 0, 0, 0] or list(np.array([t.residue.index for t in torsion]) - torsion[0].residue.index) == [0, 1, 1, 1]: count = {} for a in torsion: try: count[] += 1 except: count[] = 1 for r in count: if count[r] >= 3: if r in list(self.ring_exclusions.keys()): in_ring = 0 for a in torsion: if in self.ring_exclusions[r]: in_ring += 1 if in_ring >= 3: toExclude.add(torsion) #Exclude specific backbone torsions for torsion in uniqueTorsions: if list(np.array([t.residue.index for t in torsion]) - torsion[0].residue.index) == [0, 0, 1, 1]: if [ for t in torsion] == ['CA', 'C', 'N', 'CA']: toExclude.add(torsion) if [ for t in torsion] == ['O', 'C', 'N', 'CA']: toExclude.add(torsion) if list(np.array([t.residue.index for t in torsion]) - torsion[0].residue.index) == [0, 1, 1, 1]: if [ for t in torsion[1:]] == ['PRO','PRO','PRO']: if [ for t in torsion[1:]] == ['N', 'CA', 'C']: toExclude.add(torsion) if [ for t in torsion[2:]] == ['PRO','PRO']: if [ for t in torsion[2:]] == ['N', 'CD']: toExclude.add(torsion) #Remove added torsions for torsion in toExclude: uniqueTorsions.remove(torsion) self.uniqueTorsions = uniqueTorsions #Sort torsions by the first atom index uniqueTorsions = sorted(list(uniqueTorsions), key=lambda x:x[0].index) #Add torsions to sbm object self.n_torsions = 0 for torsion in uniqueTorsions: p1 = self.positions[torsion[0].index] p2 = self.positions[torsion[1].index] p3 = self.positions[torsion[2].index] p4 = self.positions[torsion[3].index] torsion_angle = geometry.torsion(p1, p2, p3, p4) self.torsions[torsion] = (torsion_angle, None) self.n_torsions += 1 #Store torsion indexes self.torsions_indexes.append((torsion[0].index, torsion[1].index, torsion[2].index, torsion[3].index))
[docs] def getImpropers(self, chains=None): """ Adds improper torsions to the sbmOpenMM system class to maintain backbone chiralities. Parameters ---------- chains : list (None) If this parameter is given, only add impropers if the chain id is in this list Returns ------- None """ if chains == None: #Iterate by every chain in topology to add backbone impropers (default) chains = [c for c in self.topology.chains()] else: #Iterate only chains with the given ids to add backbone impropers chains = [c for c in self.topology.chains() if in chains] for chain in chains: #Iterate by every residue in chain to add backbone impropers residues = [r for r in chain.residues()] for i in range(len(residues)-1): ad1 = { for a in residues[i].atoms()} ad2 = { for a in residues[i+1].atoms()} if residues[i+1].name != 'PRO': self.impropers[(ad1['CA'], ad1['C'], ad2['N'], ad2['CA'])] = None self.impropers[(ad1['O'], ad1['C'], ad2['N'], ad2['CA'])] = None #Add impropers to sbm object self.n_impropers = 0 for improper in self.impropers: p1 = self.positions[improper[0].index] p2 = self.positions[improper[1].index] p3 = self.positions[improper[2].index] p4 = self.positions[improper[3].index] improper_angle = geometry.torsion(p1, p2, p3, p4) self.impropers[improper] = (improper_angle, None) self.n_impropers += 1 #Store improper indexes self.impropers_indexes.append((improper[0].index, improper[1].index, improper[2].index, improper[3].index))
[docs] def getPlanars(self, chains=None): """ Adds planar torsions to the sbmOpenMM system class to mantain side chain and backbone planar arrangements. Parameters ---------- chains : list (None) If this parameter is given, only add planars if the chain id is in this list Returns ------- None """ if chains == None: #Iterate by every chain in topology to add backbone impropers (default) chains = [c for c in self.topology.chains()] else: #Iterate only chains with the given ids to add backbone impropers chains = [c for c in self.topology.chains() if in chains] for chain in chains: #Iterate by every residue in chain to add specific planar restraints residues = [r for r in chain.residues()] for i in range(len(residues)): if i < len(residues) - 1: ad1 = { for a in residues[i].atoms()} ad2 = { for a in residues[i+1].atoms()} rn1 = residues[i].name[:3] rn2 = residues[i+1].name[:3] self.planars[(ad1['O'], ad1['CA'], ad1['C'], ad2['N'])] = None if rn1 != 'GLY': self.planars[(ad1['N'], ad1['C'], ad1['CA'], ad1['CB'])] = None else: ad1 = { for a in residues[i].atoms()} ad2 = None rn1 = residues[i].name[:3] rn2 = None if rn1 != 'GLY': self.planars[(ad1['N'], ad1['C'], ad1['CA'], ad1['CB'])] = None if 'OXT' in ad1: self.planars[(ad1['CA'], ad1['O'], ad1['C'], ad1['OXT'])] = None if rn1 == 'ARG': self.planars[(ad1['CZ'], ad1['NH1'], ad1['NH2'], ad1['NE'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CZ'], ad1['NH1'], ad1['NH2'], ad1['CD'])] = None elif rn1 == 'ASN': self.planars[(ad1['CB'], ad1['ND2'], ad1['CG'], ad1['OD1'])] = None elif rn1 == 'ASP': self.planars[(ad1['CB'], ad1['OD1'], ad1['CG'], ad1['OD2'])] = None elif rn1 == 'GLN': self.planars[(ad1['CG'], ad1['NE2'], ad1['CD'], ad1['OE1'])] = None elif rn1 == 'GLU': self.planars[(ad1['CG'], ad1['OE1'], ad1['CD'], ad1['OE2'])] = None elif rn1 == 'HIS': self.planars[(ad1['ND1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CB'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CG'], ad1['NE2'], ad1['ND1'], ad1['CD2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['ND1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CE1'], ad1['CG'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CE1'], ad1['CG'], ad1['NE2'], ad1['ND1'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['NE2'], ad1['ND1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CE1'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CD2'], ad1['CE1'], ad1['CG'], ad1['NE2'])] = None elif rn1 == 'PHE': self.planars[(ad1['CD1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CB'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CG'], ad1['CZ'], ad1['CD1'], ad1['CE2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CD1'], ad1['CE2'], ad1['CE1'], ad1['CD2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CE1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CZ'], ad1['CG'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CZ'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CE2'], ad1['CD1'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CE2'], ad1['CD1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CE1'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CD2'], ad1['CE1'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CZ'])] = None elif rn1 == 'PRO': self.planars[(ad1['CB'], ad1['CA'], ad1['N'], ad1['CD'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['C'], ad1['CA'], ad1['N'], ad1['CD'])] = None elif rn1 == 'TRP': self.planars[(ad1['CB'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CE2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CG'], ad1['NE1'], ad1['CH2'], ad1['CE3'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CD1'], ad1['CE2'], ad1['CZ3'], ad1['CD2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['NE1'], ad1['CZ2'], ad1['CE3'], ad1['CG'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CE2'], ad1['CH2'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CD1'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CZ2'], ad1['CZ3'], ad1['CG'], ad1['NE1'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CH2'], ad1['CE3'], ad1['CD1'], ad1['CE2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CZ3'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['NE1'], ad1['CZ2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CE3'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CE2'], ad1['CH2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CD2'], ad1['CD1'], ad1['CZ2'], ad1['CZ3'])] = None elif rn1 == 'TYR': self.planars[(ad1['CD1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CB'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CG'], ad1['CZ'], ad1['CD1'], ad1['CE2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CD1'], ad1['CE2'], ad1['CE1'], ad1['CD2'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CE1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CZ'], ad1['CG'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CZ'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CE2'], ad1['CD1'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CE2'], ad1['CD1'], ad1['CD2'], ad1['CE1'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CD2'], ad1['CE1'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CZ'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['CE1'], ad1['CE2'], ad1['CZ'], ad1['OH'])] = None elif rn1 == 'LEU': self.planars[(ad1['CB'], ad1['CG'], ad1['CD1'], ad1['CD2'])] = None elif rn1 == 'THR': self.planars[(ad1['CA'], ad1['CB'], ad1['OG1'], ad1['CG2'])] = None elif rn1 == 'VAL' or rn1 == 'ILE': self.planars[(ad1['CA'], ad1['CB'], ad1['CG1'], ad1['CG2'])] = None if rn2 == 'PRO': self.planars[(ad1['C'], ad2['N'], ad2['CA'], ad2['C'])] = None self.planars[(ad1['C'], ad2['N'], ad2['CA'], ad2['CB'])] = None #Add planars to sbm object self.n_planars = 0 for planar in self.planars: p1 = self.positions[planar[0].index] p2 = self.positions[planar[1].index] p3 = self.positions[planar[2].index] p4 = self.positions[planar[3].index] planar_angle = geometry.torsion(p1, p2, p3, p4) self.planars[planar] = (planar_angle, None) self.n_planars += 1 #Store planar indexes self.planars_indexes.append((planar[0].index, planar[1].index, planar[2].index, planar[3].index))
[docs] def readContactFile(self, contact_file, shift=1): """ Reads a file to add native contact information to the sbmOpenMM system class. The file format can be 'smog' like (i.e. 4 columns) or '2column' like (i.e. one column for each atom). This is auto-dected by the method. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Detect which format of contact file is being used (new formats can be added if useful) file_type = system._checkContactFileType(contact_file) if file_type == 'smog': i = 1 j = 3 elif file_type == '2column': i = 0 j = 1 else: raise ValueError('Incorrect contact file format! Please check carefully your contact file') #Read contact file and add contacts to sbm object self.n_contacts = 0 with open(contact_file,'r') as cf: for line in cf: if not line.startswith('#'): c1 = self.atoms[int(line.split()[i])-shift] c2 = self.atoms[int(line.split()[j])-shift] p1 = self.positions[c1.index] p2 = self.positions[c2.index] contact_length =, p2) self.contacts[(c1,c2)] = (contact_length, None) self.n_contacts += 1 #Store contact indexes self.contacts_indexes.append((c1.index, c2.index))
## Functions for setting force specific parameters ##
[docs] def setBondParameters(self, bond_parameters): """ Set the harmonic bond constant force parameters. The input can be a float, to set the same parameter for all force interactions, or a list, to define a unique parameter for each force interaction. Parameters ---------- bond_parameters : float or list Parameter(s) to set up for the harmonic bond forces. Returns ------- None """ system._setParameters(self.bonds, bond_parameters)
[docs] def setAngleParameters(self, angle_parameters): """ Set the harmonic angle constant force parameters. The input can be a float, to set the same parameter for all force interactions, or a list, to define a unique parameter for each force interaction. Parameters ---------- angle_parameters : float or list Parameter(s) to set up for the harmonic angle forces. Returns ------- None """ system._setParameters(self.angles, angle_parameters)
[docs] def setProperTorsionParameters(self, torsion_parameters): """ Set the periodic torsion constant force parameters. The input can be a float, to set the same parameter for all force interactions, or a list, to define a unique parameter for each force interaction. Parameters ---------- torsion_parameters : float or list Parameter(s) to set up for the periodic torsion forces. Returns ------- None """ system._setParameters(self.torsions, torsion_parameters)
[docs] def setImproperParameters(self, improper_parameters): """ Set the harmonic torsion constant force parameters for impropers. The input can be a float, to set the same parameter for all force interactions, or a list, to define a unique paremater for each force interaction. Parameters ---------- improper_parameters : float or list Parameter(s) to set up for the harmonic torsion force parameters for impropers. Returns ------- None """ system._setParameters(self.impropers, improper_parameters)
[docs] def setPlanarParameters(self, planar_parameters): """ Set the harmonic torsion constant force parameters for planars. The input can be a float, to set the same parameter for all force interactions, or a list, to define a unique parameter for each force interaction. Parameters ---------- planar_parameters : float or list Parameter(s) to set up for the harmonic torsion force parameters for planars. Returns ------- None """ system._setParameters(self.planars, planar_parameters)
[docs] def setNativeContactParameters(self, contact_parameters): """ Set the native interactions constant force parameters for native contacts. The input can be a float, to set the same parameter for all force interactions, or a list, to define a unique parameter for each force interaction. Parameters ---------- contact_parameters : float or list Parameter(s) to set up for the native interaction force for native contacts. Returns ------- None """ system._setParameters(self.contacts, contact_parameters)
[docs] def setParticlesMasses(self, particles_mass): """ Set the masses of the particles in the system. The input can be a float, to set the same mass for all particles, or a list, to define a unique mass for each particle. Parameters ---------- particles_mass : float or list Mass(es) values to add for the particles in the sbmOpenMM system class. Returns ------- None """ self.particles_mass = particles_mass
[docs] def setParticlesRadii(self, particles_radii): """ Set the radii of the particles in the system. The input can be a float, to set the same radius for all particles, or a list, to define a unique radius for each particle. Parameters ---------- particles_radii : float or list Radii values to add for the particles in the sbmOpenMM system class. Returns ------- None """ self.rf_sigma = particles_radii
## Functions for creating force objects with defined parameters ##
[docs] def addHarmonicBondForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.HarmonicBondForce() object with the bonds and parameters setted up in the "bonds" dictionary attribute. The force object is stored at the "harmonicBondForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.bonds as follows: self.bonds is a dictionary: - The keys are 2-tuples for two atom items in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a 2-tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> bond0 (quantity) - second -> k (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ self.harmonicBondForce = openmm.HarmonicBondForce() for bond in self.bonds: self.harmonicBondForce.addBond(bond[0].index, bond[1].index, self.bonds[bond][0], self.bonds[bond][1])
[docs] def addHarmonicAngleForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.HarmonicAngleForce() object with the angles and parameters setted up in the "angles" attribute. The force object is stored at the "harmonicAngleForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.angles as follows: self.angles is dictionary: - The keys are 3-tuples for three atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a 2-tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> angle0 (quantity) - second -> k (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ self.harmonicAngleForce = openmm.HarmonicAngleForce() for angle in self.angles: self.harmonicAngleForce.addAngle(angle[0].index, angle[1].index, angle[2].index, self.angles[angle][0], self.angles[angle][1])
[docs] def addPeriodicTorsionForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.CustomTorsionForce() object with the torsions and parameters setted up in the "torsions" attribute. The custom torsion force is initilized with the formula: energy = k*(1-cos(theta-theta0)+0.5*(1-cos(3*(theta-theta0)))) The force object is stored at the "periodicTorsionForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.torsions as follows: self.torsions is a dictionary: - The keys are tuples for four atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> theta0 (quantity) - second -> k (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ energy_function = "k*(1-cos(theta-theta0)+0.5*(1-cos(3*(theta-theta0))))" self.periodicTorsionForce = openmm.CustomTorsionForce(energy_function) self.periodicTorsionForce.addPerTorsionParameter('theta0') self.periodicTorsionForce.addPerTorsionParameter('k') for torsion in self.torsions: self.periodicTorsionForce.addTorsion(torsion[0].index, torsion[1].index, torsion[2].index, torsion[3].index, (self.torsions[torsion][0], self.torsions[torsion][1]))
[docs] def addGeneralPeriodicTorsionForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.CustomTorsionForce() object with the torsions and parameters setted up in the "torsions" attribute. The custom torsion force is initilized with the formula: energy = k*(1+cos(n*(theta-theta0))) The force object is stored at the "generalPeriodicTorsionForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.torsions as follows: self.torsions is a dictionary: - The keys are tuples for four atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a list with the parameters as items: - Each item is a tuple containing: - first -> theta0 (quantity) - second -> k (float) - third -> n (int) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ energy_function = 'k*(1+cos(n*(theta-theta0)))' self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce = openmm.CustomTorsionForce(energy_function) self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce.addPerTorsionParameter('theta0') self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce.addPerTorsionParameter('k') self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce.addPerTorsionParameter('n') for torsion in self.torsions: for t in self.torsions[torsion]: self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce.addTorsion(torsion[0].index, torsion[1].index, torsion[2].index, torsion[3].index, (t[0], t[1], t[2]))
[docs] def addHarmonicImproperForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.CustomTorsionForce() object with the torsions and parameters setted up in the "impropers" attribute. The custom torsion force is initilized with the formula: energy = 0.5*k*dtheta_torus^2 dtheta_torus = dtheta - floor(dtheta/(2*pi)+0.5)*(2*pi) dtheta = theta - theta0 pi = np.pi The force object is stored at the "harmonicImproperForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.torsions as follows: self.torsions is a dictionary: - The keys are tuples for four atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> theta0 (quantity) - second -> k (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ energy_function = '0.5*k*dtheta_torus^2;' energy_function += 'dtheta_torus = dtheta - floor(dtheta/(2*pi)+0.5)*(2*pi);' energy_function += 'dtheta = theta - theta0;' energy_function += 'pi = %f;' % np.pi self.harmonicImproperForce = openmm.CustomTorsionForce(energy_function) self.harmonicImproperForce.addPerTorsionParameter('theta0') self.harmonicImproperForce.addPerTorsionParameter('k') for improper in self.impropers: self.harmonicImproperForce.addTorsion(improper[0].index, improper[1].index, improper[2].index, improper[3].index, (self.impropers[improper][0], self.impropers[improper][1]))
[docs] def addHarmonicPlanarForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.CustomTorsionForce() object with the torsions and parameters setted up in the "planars" attribute. The custom torsion force is initilized with the formula: energy = 0.5*k*dtheta_torus^2 dtheta_torus = dtheta - floor(dtheta/(2*pi)+0.5)*(2*pi) dtheta = theta - theta0 pi = np.pi The force object is stored at the "harmonicPlanarForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.torsions as follows: self.torsions is a dictionary: - The keys are tuples for four atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> theta0 (quantity) - second -> k (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ energy_function = '0.5*k*dtheta_torus^2;' energy_function += 'dtheta_torus = dtheta - floor(dtheta/(2*pi)+0.5)*(2*pi);' energy_function += 'dtheta = theta - theta0;' energy_function += 'pi = %f;' % np.pi self.harmonicPlanarForce = openmm.CustomTorsionForce(energy_function) self.harmonicPlanarForce.addPerTorsionParameter('theta0') self.harmonicPlanarForce.addPerTorsionParameter('k') for planar in self.planars: self.harmonicPlanarForce.addTorsion(planar[0].index, planar[1].index, planar[2].index, planar[3].index, (self.planars[planar][0], self.planars[planar][1]))
[docs] def addLJ12_6ContactForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.CustomBondForce() object with the bonds and parameters setted up in the "contacts" attribute. The custom bond force is initilized with the formula: energy = epsilon*((sigma/r)^12-2*(sigma/r)^6) The force object is stored at the "lj12_6contactForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.contacts as follows: self.contacts is a dictionary: - The keys are tuples for two atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> sigma (quantity) - second -> epsilon (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Collect the number of parametes given for each contact in the contact set parameters_length = set([len(p) for p in self.contacts.values()]) #If any contact has 2 parameters create a LJ potential if 2 in parameters_length: energy_function = 'epsilon*((sigma/r)^12-2*(sigma/r)^6)' self.lj12_6contactForce = CustomBondForce(energy_function) self.lj12_6contactForce.addPerBondParameter('sigma') self.lj12_6contactForce.addPerBondParameter('epsilon') for contact in self.contacts: if len(self.contacts[contact]) == 2: self.lj12_6contactForce.addBond(contact[0].index, contact[1].index, (self.contacts[contact][0], self.contacts[contact][1]))
[docs] def addLJ12_10ContactForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.CustomBondForce() object with the bonds and parameters setted up in the "contacts" attribute. The custom bond force is initilized with the formula: energy = epsilon*(5*(sigma/r)^12-6*(sigma/r)^10) The force object is stored at the "lj12_10contactForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.contacts as follows: self.contacts is a dictionary: - The keys are tuples for two atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> sigma (quantity) - second -> epsilon (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Collect the number of parametes given for each contact in the contact set parameters_length = set([len(p) for p in self.contacts.values()]) #If any contact has 2 parameters create a LJ potential if 2 in parameters_length: energy_function = 'epsilon*(5*(sigma/r)^12-6*(sigma/r)^10)' self.lj12_10contactForce = CustomBondForce(energy_function) self.lj12_10contactForce.addPerBondParameter('sigma') self.lj12_10contactForce.addPerBondParameter('epsilon') for contact in self.contacts: if len(self.contacts[contact]) == 2: self.lj12_10contactForce.addBond(contact[0].index, contact[1].index, (self.contacts[contact][0], self.contacts[contact][1]))
[docs] def addLJ12_10_6ContactForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.CustomBondForce() object with the bonds and parameters setted up in the "contacts" attribute. The custom bond force is initilized with the formula: energy = epsilon*(13*(sigma/r)^12-18*(sigma/r)^10+4*(sigma/r)^6) The force object is stored at the "lj12_10_6contactForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.contacts as follows: self.contacts is an ordered dictionary: - The keys are tuples for two atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> sigma (quantity) - second -> epsilon (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Collect the number of parametes given for each contact in the contact set parameters_length = set([len(p) for p in self.contacts.values()]) #If any contact has 2 parameters create a LJ potential if 2 in parameters_length: energy_function = 'epsilon*(13*(sigma/r)^12-18*(sigma/r)^10+4*(sigma/r)^6)' self.lj12_10_6contactForce = CustomBondForce(energy_function) self.lj12_10_6contactForce.addPerBondParameter('sigma') self.lj12_10_6contactForce.addPerBondParameter('epsilon') for contact in self.contacts: if len(self.contacts[contact]) == 2: self.lj12_10_6contactForce.addBond(contact[0].index, contact[1].index, (self.contacts[contact][0], self.contacts[contact][1]))
[docs] def addGaussianContactForces(self): """ Creates an openmm.CustomBondForce() object with the equilibrium distances and parameters setted up in the "contacts" attribute. Two forces are created according to the number of parameters given: If three parameters are given the custom bond force is initilized with the formula: energy = epsilon*((1+(r0/r)^12)*(1-exp(-25*log(2)*(r-r0)^2/(r0*r0)))-1) The force object is stored at the "singleGaussianContactForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.contacts as follows: self.contacts is a dictionary: - The keys are tuples for tww atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> rex (float) - second -> r0 (quantity) - third -> epsilon (float) If four parameters are given the custom bond force is initilized with the formula: energy = epsilon*((1+(r0/r)^12)*(1-exp(-25*log(2)*(r-r0)^2/(r0*r0)))* (1-exp(-25*log(2)*(r-r1)^2/(r1*r1)))-1) The force object is stored at the "doubleGaussianContactForce" attribute. The force parameters must be contained in self.contacts as follows: self.contacts is a dictionary: - The keys are tuples for two atoms in self.topology.atoms attribute. - The values are a tuple of parameters in the following order: - first -> rex (float) - second -> r0 (quantity) - second -> r1 (quantity) - third -> epsilon (float) Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Collect the number of parametes given for each contact in the contact set parameters_length = set([len(p) for p in self.contacts.values()]) #If any contact has 3 parameters create a single minimum gaussian potential if 3 in parameters_length: energy_function = 'epsilon*((1+(rex/r)^12)*' energy_function += '(1-exp(-25*log(2)*(r-r0)^2/(r0*r0)))-1)' self.singleGaussianContactForce = CustomBondForce(energy_function) self.singleGaussianContactForce.addPerBondParameter('rex') self.singleGaussianContactForce.addPerBondParameter('r0') self.singleGaussianContactForce.addPerBondParameter('epsilon') for contact in self.contacts: if len(self.contacts[contact]) == 3: self.singleGaussianContactForce.addBond(contact[0].index, contact[1].index, (self.contacts[contact][0], self.contacts[contact][1], self.contacts[contact][2])) #If any contact has 4 parameters create a double minimum gaussian potential if 4 in parameters_length: energy_function = 'epsilon*((1+(rex/r)^12)*' energy_function += '(1-exp(-25*log(2)*(r-r0)^2/(r0*r0)))*' energy_function += '(1-exp(-25*log(2)*(r-r1)^2/(r1*r1)))-1)' self.doubleGaussianContactForce = CustomBondForce(energy_function) self.doubleGaussianContactForce.addPerBondParameter('rex') self.doubleGaussianContactForce.addPerBondParameter('r0') self.doubleGaussianContactForce.addPerBondParameter('r1') self.doubleGaussianContactForce.addPerBondParameter('epsilon') for contact in self.contacts: if len(self.contacts[contact]) == 4: self.doubleGaussianContactForce.addBond(contact[0].index, contact[1].index, (self.contacts[contact][0], self.contacts[contact][1], self.contacts[contact][2], self.contacts[contact][3]))
[docs] def addLJRepulsionForces(self, cutoff=None, bonded_exclusions_index=3, exclusions=None): """ Creates an openmm.CustomNonbondedForce() object with the parameters sigma and epsilon given to this method. The custom non-bonded force is initilized with the formula: energy = 'epsilon*(sigma/r)^12; sigma=0.5*(sigma1+sigma2)' The method adds exclusions for bonded atoms up until 'bonded_exclusions_index' bond orders (default 3) and also for all the pairs defined in the 'contacts' attribute. The force object is stored at the "ljRepulsionForce" attribute. Parameters ---------- epsilon : float Value of the epsilon constant in the energy function. sigma : float or list Value of the sigma constant (in nm) in the energy function. If float the same sigma value is used for every particle. If list a unique parameter is given for each particle. cutoff : float The cutoff distance (in nm) being used for the nonbonded interactions. bonded_exclusions_index : int Specified number of bonds to consider when adding non-bonded exclusions. Returns ------- None """ self.rf_cutoff = cutoff if not isinstance(cutoff, float): self.rf_cutoff = float(cutoff) energy_function = 'epsilon*(sigma/r)^12; sigma=0.5*(sigma1+sigma2)' self.ljRepulsionForce = CustomNonbondedForce(energy_function) self.ljRepulsionForce.addGlobalParameter('epsilon', self.rf_epsilon) self.ljRepulsionForce.addPerParticleParameter('sigma') if isinstance(self.rf_sigma, float): for atom in self.atoms: self.ljRepulsionForce.addParticle((self.rf_sigma,)) elif isinstance(self.rf_sigma, list): assert self.n_atoms == len(self.rf_sigma) for i,atom in enumerate(self.atoms): self.ljRepulsionForce.addParticle((self.rf_sigma[i],)) #Add bonded exclusions bonded_exclusions = [(i[0].index, i[1].index) for i in self.bonds] self.ljRepulsionForce.createExclusionsFromBonds(bonded_exclusions, bonded_exclusions_index) self.exclusions = [] for i in range(self.ljRepulsionForce.getNumExclusions()): pair = self.ljRepulsionForce.getExclusionParticles(i) self.exclusions.append(pair) #Add contacts exclusions contact_exclusions = [[i[0].index, i[1].index] for i in self.contacts] for pair in contact_exclusions: #Remove already excluded pairs (from bonded exclusions) to avoid 'Multiple exclusions are specified' error if pair in self.exclusions or pair[::-1] in self.exclusions: continue self.ljRepulsionForce.addExclusion(pair[0], pair[1]) #Update all exclusion pairs self.exclusions = [] for i in range(self.ljRepulsionForce.getNumExclusions()): pair = self.ljRepulsionForce.getExclusionParticles(i) self.exclusions.append(pair) # Add user given exclusions if exclusions != None: for pair in exclusions: if list(pair) in self.exclusions or list(pair[::-1]) in self.exclusions: continue self.ljRepulsionForce.addExclusion(pair[0], pair[1]) #Update all exclusion pairs self.exclusions = [] for i in range(self.ljRepulsionForce.getNumExclusions()): pair = self.ljRepulsionForce.getExclusionParticles(i) self.exclusions.append(pair) self.ljRepulsionForce.setCutoffDistance(self.rf_cutoff)
[docs] def groupTorsionsbyBBAndSC(self): """ Classifies the torsions into backbone or sidechain, based on the atoms present in each torsion definition. The classification is stored in the 'torsions_type' dictionary attribute. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Classify atoms in backbone or sidechain atoms uniqueAtoms = set() for atom in self.topology.atoms(): uniqueAtoms.add( self.backboneAtoms = set(['N', 'CA', 'C', 'O', 'OXT, H, 1H, 2H, 3H']) self.sidechainAtoms = uniqueAtoms - self.backboneAtoms #Group torsions by their middle bond atoms for torsion in self.torsions: if (torsion[1], torsion[2]) not in self.torsions_group: self.torsions_group[(torsion[1], torsion[2])] = 1 else: self.torsions_group[(torsion[1], torsion[2])] += 1 if (torsion[2], torsion[1]) not in self.torsions_group: self.torsions_group[(torsion[2], torsion[1])] = 1 else: self.torsions_group[(torsion[2], torsion[1])] += 1 #Classify torsions in backbone or sidechain torsion according to middle atoms for torsion in self.torsions: self.torsions_type[torsion] = 'BB' self.torsions_type[torsion] = 'BB' for atom in torsion[1:3]: if in self.sidechainAtoms: self.torsions_type[torsion] = 'SC' self.torsions_type[torsion] = 'SC' break #Count the number of backbone and sidechin torsions with unique middle bond atoms. self.n_torsions = int(sum([1 for t in self.torsions_group])/4.0)
## Functions for generating default parameters for AA default forcefield ##
[docs] def getAATorsionParameters(self, group_by_bb_and_sc=True): """ Calculates the torsion force field parameters by distributing the total torsional energy equally among all the torsions. Optionally, uses torsional classifications, in backbone or side-chain torsions, to group the energy partition. In the last case considers that BB torsion energies are twice the value of sidechain torsion energies. The energy partioned values are stored in the 'energy_constant' attribute. It contains the entries 'torsion' for the equally partitioned torsion energies, or 'BB' and 'SC' for group-partioned torsion energies. Parameters ---------- group_by_bb_and_sc : boolean Wheter to partion the torsional energy in backbone and side-chain groups. Returns ------- torsion_parameters : list List of the torsion force constant parameters for each torsion in the SBM system. """ if group_by_bb_and_sc: #Group torsions by BB and SC self.groupTorsionsbyBBAndSC() #Calculate energy partitions self.energy_constant['torsion'] = self.n_atoms/3.0/(self.n_torsions) self.energy_constant['SC'] = self.energy_constant['torsion']/3.0 self.energy_constant['BB'] = 2.0*self.energy_constant['torsion']/3.0 torsion_parameters = [] for torsion in self.torsions: middle_bond = (torsion[1],torsion[2]) k = self.energy_constant[self.torsions_type[torsion]] / self.torsions_group[middle_bond] torsion_parameters.append(k) else: self.energy_constant['torsion'] = self.n_atoms/3.0/(self.n_torsions) torsion_parameters = self.energy_constant['torsion'] return torsion_parameters
[docs] def getAANativeContactParameters(self): """ Calculates the contact force field parameters by distributing the total native contact energy equally among all the contacts. The energy values are stored in the 'energy_constant' attribute, which contains the entry 'C' for the partitioned energy values. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- contact_parameters : list List of the native-contact force constant parameters for each native contact in the SBM system. """ if self.n_contacts == None: raise ValueError('Not contacts have been defined. Please check that you read correctly a contact file.') self.energy_constant['C'] = 2.0*self.n_atoms/3.0/self.n_contacts contact_parameters = self.energy_constant['C'] return contact_parameters
## Functions for creating OpenMM system object ##
[docs] def createSystemObject(self, check_bond_distances=True, minimise=False, force_threshold=10, bond_threshold=0.25): """ Creates an openmm.System() object using the force field parameters given to the SBM 'system' class. It adds particles, forces and creates a force group for each force object. Optionally the method can check for large bond distances (default) and minimise the atomic positions if large forces are found in any atom (default False). Parameters ---------- minimise : boolean Wheter to minimise the system if large forces are found. check_bond_distances : boolean Wheter to check for large bond distances. force_threshold : float Treshold to check for large forces. bond_threshold : float Treshold to check for large bond distances. Returns ------- None """ if check_bond_distances: #Check for large bond_distances self.checkBondDistances(threshold=bond_threshold) #Add particles to system self.addParticles() #Add created forces into the system self.addSystemForces() #Create force group for each added force for i,name in enumerate(self.forceGroups): self.forceGroups[name].setForceGroup(i) #Check for high forces in atoms and minimise the system if necessary self.checkLargeForces(minimise=minimise, threshold=force_threshold)
[docs] def checkBondDistances(self, threshold=0.25): """ Searches for large bond distances for the atom pairs defined in the 'bonds' attribute. It raises an error when large bonds are found. Parameters ---------- threshold : float Treshold to check for large bond distances. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(threshold, float): threshold = threshold * unit.nanometer for b in self.bonds: if self.bonds[b][0] >= threshold: raise ValueError('The bond distance between atoms '+ str(b[0].index+1)+' and '+str(b[1].index+1)+' is larger '+ 'than '+str(threshold)+' nanometers. Please check your input structure.')
[docs] def checkLargeForces(self, threshold=1, minimise=False): """ Prints the SBM system energies of the input configuration of the system. It optionally checks for large forces acting upon all particles in the SBM system and iteratively minimises the system configuration until no forces larger than a threshold are found. Parameters ---------- threshold : float Treshold to check for large forces. minimise : float Whether to iteratively minimise the system until all forces are lower or equal to the thresshold value. Returns ------- None """ minimised = False #Define test simulation to extract forces integrator = LangevinIntegrator(1*unit.kelvin, 1/unit.picosecond, 0.0005*unit.picoseconds) simulation = Simulation(self.topology, self.system, integrator) simulation.context.setPositions(self.positions) state = simulation.context.getState(getForces=True, getEnergy=True) #Print initial state of the system print('The Potential Energy of the system is : %s' % state.getPotentialEnergy()) for i,n in enumerate(self.forceGroups): energy = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups={i}).getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole) print('The '+n.replace('Force','Energy')+' is: '+str(energy)+' kj/mol') print('') if minimise: #Find if there is an acting force larger than thresshold #Minimise the system until forces have converged forces = [np.linalg.norm([f[0]._value,f[1]._value,f[2]._value]) for f in state.getForces()] prev_force = None tolerance = 10 while np.max(forces) > threshold: #Write atom with largest force if not reported before if np.max(forces) != prev_force: atom = self.atoms[np.argmax(forces)] residue = atom.residue print('Large force %.3f kj/(mol nm) found in:' % np.max(forces)) print('Atom: %s' % atom.index) print('Name: %s' % print('Resiue: %s %s' % (,residue.index)) print('Minimising system with energy tolerance of %.1f kj/mol' % tolerance) print('') simulation.minimizeEnergy(tolerance=tolerance*unit.kilojoule/unit.mole) minimised = True state = simulation.context.getState(getForces=True) prev_force = np.max(forces) forces = [np.linalg.norm([f.x,f.y,f.z]) for f in state.getForces()] if tolerance > 1: tolerance -= 1 elif tolerance > 0.1: tolerance -= 0.1 elif tolerance == 0.1: raise ValueError('The system could no be minimised at the requested convergence\n'+ 'Try to increase the force threshold value to achieve convergence.') state = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True, getEnergy=True) print('After minimisation:') print('The Potential Energy of the system is : %s' % state.getPotentialEnergy()) for i,n in enumerate(self.forceGroups): energy = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups={i}).getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole) print('The '+n.replace('Force','Energy')+' is: '+str(energy)+' kj/mol') print('All forces are less than %.2f kj/mol/nm' % threshold) print('Saving minimised positions') print('') self.positions = state.getPositions()
[docs] def addParticles(self): """ Add a particle to the sbmOpenMM system for each atom in it. The mass of each particle is set up with the values in the 'particles_mass' attribute. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ #Set same mass for each atom if isinstance(self.particles_mass, float): for atom in self.atoms: self.system.addParticle(self.particles_mass) #Set unique masses for each atom if isinstance(self.particles_mass, list): assert len(self.particles_mass) == len(self.atoms) for i in range(len(self.particles_mass)): self.system.addParticle(self.particles_mass[i])
[docs] def addSystemForces(self): """ Adds generated forces to the sbmOpenMM system, also adding a force group to the 'forceGroups' attribute dictionary. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ if self.harmonicBondForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.harmonicBondForce) self.forceGroups['Harmonic Bond Energy'] = self.harmonicBondForce if self.harmonicAngleForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.harmonicAngleForce) self.forceGroups['Harmonic Angle Energy'] = self.harmonicAngleForce if self.periodicTorsionForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.periodicTorsionForce) self.forceGroups['Periodic Torsion Energy'] = self.periodicTorsionForce if self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce) self.forceGroups['General Periodic Torsion Energy'] = self.generalPeriodicTorsionForce if self.harmonicImproperForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.harmonicImproperForce) self.forceGroups['Harmonic Improper Energy'] = self.harmonicImproperForce if self.harmonicPlanarForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.harmonicPlanarForce) self.forceGroups['Harmonic Planar Energy'] = self.harmonicPlanarForce if self.lj12_6contactForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.lj12_6contactForce) self.forceGroups['LJ 12-6 Contact Energy'] = self.lj12_6contactForce if self.lj12_10contactForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.lj12_10contactForce) self.forceGroups['LJ 12-10 Contact Energy'] = self.lj12_10contactForce if self.lj12_10_6contactForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.lj12_10_6contactForce) self.forceGroups['LJ 12-10-6 Contact Energy'] = self.lj12_10_6contactForce if self.singleGaussianContactForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.singleGaussianContactForce) self.forceGroups['Single Gaussian Contact Energy'] = self.singleGaussianContactForce if self.doubleGaussianContactForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.doubleGaussianContactForce) self.forceGroups['Double Gaussian Contact Energy'] = self.doubleGaussianContactForce if self.ljRepulsionForce != None: self.system.addForce(self.ljRepulsionForce) self.forceGroups['LJ 12 Repulsion Energy'] = self.ljRepulsionForce
[docs] def dumpStructure(self, output_file): """ Writes a PDB file containing the currently defined abmOpenMM system atoms. Parameters ---------- output_file : string name of the PDB output file. Returns ------- None """ self.structure.writeFile(self.topology, self.positions, file=open(output_file, 'w'))
[docs] def dumpForceFieldData(self, output_file): """ Writes a file containing the current forcefield parameters in the sbmOpenMM system. Parameters ---------- output_file : string name of the output file. Returns ------- None """ with open(output_file, 'w') as ff: ff.write('#### SBM Force Field Parameters ####\n') ff.write('\n') if self.atoms != OrderedDict(): ff.write('[atoms]\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %9s \t %14s\n' % ('atom', 'mass', 'exc_radius', 'atom_name')) for i,atom in enumerate(self.atoms): if isinstance(self.particles_mass, list): mass = self.particles_mass[i] elif isinstance(self.particles_mass, float): mass = self.particles_mass if isinstance(self.rf_sigma, list): sigma = self.rf_sigma[i] elif isinstance(self.rf_sigma, float): sigma = self.rf_sigma res = atom.residue ff.write('%4s %5s %9.3f\t# %12s\n' % (atom.index+1, mass, sigma,'_''_'+str(res.index+1))) if self.bonds != OrderedDict(): ff.write('\n') ff.write('[bonds]\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %-6s %-s \t\t self.bonds[bond][1] %12s %12s\n' % ('at1', 'at2', 'b0', 'k', 'at1_name', 'at2_name')) for bond in self.bonds: atom1 = bond[0] atom2 = bond[1] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %.4f %s \t# %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index+1, atom2.index+1, self.bonds[bond][0]._value, self.bonds[bond][1],'_''_'+str(res1.index+1),'_''_'+str(res2.index+1))) if self.angles != OrderedDict(): ff.write('\n') ff.write('[angles]\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %4s %-6s %-s \t %12s %12s %12s\n' % ('at1', 'at2', 'at3', 'a0', 'k', 'at1_name', 'at2_name', 'at3_name')) for angle in self.angles: atom1 = angle[0] atom2 = angle[1] atom3 = angle[2] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue res3 = atom3.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %4s %.4f %s \t# %12s %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index+1, atom2.index+1, atom3.index+1, self.angles[angle][0]._value, self.angles[angle][1],'_''_'+str(res1.index+1),'_''_'+str(res2.index+1),'_''_'+str(res3.index+1))) if self.torsions != OrderedDict(): ff.write('\n') ff.write('[torsions]\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %4s %4s %-6s %-s \t\t %12s %12s %12s %12s\n' % ('at1', 'at2', 'at3', 'at4', 't0', 'k', 'at1_name', 'at2_name', 'at3_name', 'at4_name')) for torsion in self.torsions: atom1 = torsion[0] atom2 = torsion[1] atom3 = torsion[2] atom4 = torsion[3] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue res3 = atom3.residue res4 = atom3.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %4s %4s %7.4f %.4f \t# %12s %12s %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index+1, atom2.index+1, atom3.index+1, atom4.index+1, self.torsions[torsion][0]._value, self.torsions[torsion][1],'_''_'+str(res1.index+1),'_''_'+str(res2.index+1),'_''_'+str(res3.index+1),'_''_'+str(res4.index+1))) if self.impropers != OrderedDict(): ff.write('\n') ff.write('[impropers]\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %4s %4s %-6s %-s \t\t %12s %12s %12s %12s\n' % ('at1', 'at2', 'at3', 'at4', 'i0', 'k', 'at1_name', 'at2_name', 'at3_name', 'at4_name')) for improper in self.impropers: atom1 = improper[0] atom2 = improper[1] atom3 = improper[2] atom4 = improper[3] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue res3 = atom3.residue res4 = atom3.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %4s %4s %7.4f %.4f \t# %12s %12s %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index+1, atom2.index+1, atom3.index+1, atom4.index+1, self.impropers[improper][0]._value, self.impropers[improper][1],'_''_'+str(res1.index+1),'_''_'+str(res2.index+1),'_''_'+str(res3.index+1),'_''_'+str(res4.index+1))) if self.planars != OrderedDict(): ff.write('\n') ff.write('[planars]\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %4s %4s %-6s %-s \t\t %12s %12s %12s %12s\n' % ('at1', 'at2', 'at3', 'at4', 'p0', 'k', 'at1_name', 'at2_name', 'at3_name', 'at4_name')) for planar in self.planars: atom1 = planar[0] atom2 = planar[1] atom3 = planar[2] atom4 = planar[3] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue res3 = atom3.residue res4 = atom3.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %4s %4s %7.4f %.4f \t# %12s %12s %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index+1, atom2.index+1, atom3.index+1, atom4.index+1, self.planars[planar][0]._value, self.planars[planar][1],'_''_'+str(res1.index+1),'_''_'+str(res2.index+1),'_''_'+str(res3.index+1),'_''_'+str(res4.index+1))) if self.contacts != OrderedDict(): #Collect the number of parametes given for each contact in the contact set parameters_length = set([len(p) for p in self.contacts.values()]) #Write two parameters contacts if 2 in parameters_length: ff.write('\n') ff.write('[contacts]\n') ff.write('#Two parameters contacts\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %-6s %-s \t %12s %12s\n' % ('at1', 'at2', 'c0', 'epsilon', 'at1_name', 'at2_name')) for contact in self.contacts: if len(self.contacts[contact]) == 2: atom1 = contact[0] atom2 = contact[1] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %.4f %.4f \t# %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index+1, atom2.index+1, self.contacts[contact][0]._value, self.contacts[contact][1],'_''_'+str(res1.index+1),'_''_'+str(res2.index+1))) #Write three parameters contacts if 3 in parameters_length: ff.write('#Three parameters contacts\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %-6s %-6s %-s \t %12s %12s\n' % ('at1', 'at2', 'excvol', 'c0', 'epsilon', 'at1_name', 'at2_name')) for contact in self.contacts: if len(self.contacts[contact]) == 3: atom1 = contact[0] atom2 = contact[1] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %.4f %.4f %.4f \t# %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index+1, atom2.index+1, self.contacts[contact][0]._value, self.contacts[contact][1]._value, self.contacts[contact][2],'_''_'+str(res1.index+1),'_''_'+str(res2.index+1))) #Write four parameters contacts if 4 in parameters_length: ff.write('#Four parameters contacts\n') ff.write('# %2s %3s %-6s %-6s %-6s %-s \t %12s %12s\n' % ('at1', 'at2', 'excvol', 'c0', 'c1', 'epsilon', 'at1_name', 'at2_name')) for contact in self.contacts: if len(self.contacts[contact]) == 4: atom1 = contact[0] atom2 = contact[1] res1 = atom1.residue res2 = atom2.residue ff.write('%4s %4s %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f \t# %12s %12s\n' % (atom1.index+1, atom2.index+1, self.contacts[contact][0]._value, self.contacts[contact][1]._value, self.contacts[contact][2]._value, self.contacts[contact][3],'_''_'+str(res1.index+1),'_''_'+str(res2.index+1)))
[docs] def loadForcefieldFromFile(self, forcefield_file): """ Loads force field parameters from a force field file written by the dumpForceFieldData() method into the sbmOpenMM system. Parameters ---------- forcefield_file : string path to the force field file. Returns ------- None """ #Open forcefield file with open(forcefield_file, 'r') as ff: print('Reading Forcefield parameters from file '+forcefield_file+':') print('________________________________________'+'_'*len(forcefield_file)) #Initilise ff-file section booleans to 0 atoms = False bonds = False angles = False torsions = False impropers = False planars = False contacts = False #Iterate for all lines in forcefield file for i,line in enumerate(ff): #Ignore comment and empty lines. if not line.startswith('#') and line.split() != []: #Turn off all sections when a new is being reading. if line.startswith('['): atoms = False bonds = False angles = False torsions = False impropers = False planars = False contacts = False else: #Remove comments at the end of line line = line[:line.find('#')] ls = line.split() #Reading [atoms] section if atoms == True: if not isinstance(self.particles_mass, list): self.particles_mass = [1.0 for m in range(self.n_atoms)] if not isinstance(self.rf_sigma, list): self.rf_sigma = [ 0 for s in range(self.n_atoms)] if len(ls) > 3: raise ValueError('More than three parameters given in [atoms] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) if len(ls) < 3: raise ValueError('Less than three parameters given in [atoms] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) # Check if ff atom index is the same as openmm atom index assert int(ls[0])-1 == self.atoms[int(ls[0])-1].index #Save mass and sigma values into list self.particles_mass[int(ls[0])-1] = float(ls[1]) self.rf_sigma[int(ls[0])-1] = float(ls[2]) #Reading [bonds] section if bonds == True: if len(ls) > 4: raise ValueError('More than four parameters given in [bonds] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) if len(ls) < 4: raise ValueError('Less than four parameters given in [bonds] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) at1 = self.atoms[int(ls[0])-1] at2 = self.atoms[int(ls[1])-1] bond_length = float(ls[2])*unit.nanometer k = float(ls[3]) self.bonds[(at1,at2)] = (bond_length, k) #Reading [angles] section elif angles == True: if len(ls) > 5: raise ValueError('More than five parameters given in [angles] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) if len(ls) < 5: raise ValueError('Less than five parameters given in [angles] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) at1 = self.atoms[int(ls[0])-1] at2 = self.atoms[int(ls[1])-1] at3 = self.atoms[int(ls[2])-1] angle_length = float(ls[3])*unit.radian k = float(ls[4]) self.angles[(at1,at2,at3)] = (angle_length, k) #Reading [torsions] section elif torsions == True: if len(ls) > 6: raise ValueError('More than six parameters given in [torsions] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) if len(ls) < 6: raise ValueError('Less than six parameters given in [torsions] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) at1 = self.atoms[int(ls[0])-1] at2 = self.atoms[int(ls[1])-1] at3 = self.atoms[int(ls[2])-1] at4 = self.atoms[int(ls[3])-1] torsion_length = float(ls[4])*unit.radian k = float(ls[5]) self.torsions[(at1,at2,at3,at4)] = (torsion_length, k) #Reading [impropers] section elif impropers == True: if len(ls) > 6: raise ValueError('More than six parameters given in [impropers] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) if len(ls) < 6: raise ValueError('Less than six parameters given in [impropers] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) at1 = self.atoms[int(ls[0])-1] at2 = self.atoms[int(ls[1])-1] at3 = self.atoms[int(ls[2])-1] at4 = self.atoms[int(ls[3])-1] improper_length = float(ls[4])*unit.radian k = float(ls[5]) self.impropers[(at1,at2,at3,at4)] = (improper_length, k) #Reading [planars] section elif planars == True: if len(ls) > 6: raise ValueError('More than six parameters given in [planars] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) if len(ls) < 6: raise ValueError('Less than six parameters given in [planars] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) at1 = self.atoms[int(ls[0])-1] at2 = self.atoms[int(ls[1])-1] at3 = self.atoms[int(ls[2])-1] at4 = self.atoms[int(ls[3])-1] improper_length = float(ls[4])*unit.radian k = float(ls[5]) self.planars[(at1,at2,at3,at4)] = (improper_length, k) #Reading [contacts] section elif contacts == True: if len(ls) > 4: raise ValueError('More than four parameters given in [contacts] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) if len(ls) < 4: raise ValueError('Less than four parameters given in [contacts] section at line '+str(i)+':\n'+line) at1 = self.atoms[int(ls[0])-1] at2 = self.atoms[int(ls[1])-1] contact_length = float(ls[2])*unit.nanometer k = float(ls[3]) self.contacts[(at1,at2)] = (contact_length, k) #Select which section is being reading by changing its boolean to 1 if line.startswith('[atoms]'): print('Reading atom parameters') self.bonds = OrderedDict() atoms = True elif line.startswith('[bonds]'): print('Reading bond parameters') self.bonds = OrderedDict() bonds = True elif line.startswith('[angles]'): print('Reading angle parameters') self.angles = OrderedDict() angles = True elif line.startswith('[torsions]'): print('Reading torsion parameters') self.torsions = OrderedDict() torsions = True elif line.startswith('[impropers]'): print('Reading improper parameters') self.impropers = OrderedDict() impropers = True elif line.startswith('[planars]'): print('Reading planar parameters') self.planars = OrderedDict() planars = True elif line.startswith('[contacts]'): print('Reading native contact parameters') self.contacts = OrderedDict() contacts = True print('Done reading Forcefield paramters') print('')
[docs] def setCAMassPerResidueType(self): """ Sets the masses of the alpha carbon atoms to the average mass of its amino acid residue. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ # Load mass parameters from parameters package aa_masses = ca_parameters.aa_masses masses = [] for r in self.topology.residues(): if in aa_masses: masses.append(aa_masses[]) else: raise ValueError('Residue '' not found in masses dictionary.') self.setParticlesMasses(masses)
[docs] def setAAMassPerAtomType(self): """ Sets the masses of the atoms to the mass its corresponding element. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ masses = [] for a in self.topology.atoms(): masses.append(a.element.mass._value) self.setParticlesMasses(masses)
[docs] def setCARadiusPerResidueType(self): """ Sets the excluded volume radii of the alpha carbon atoms to characteristic radii of their corresponding amino acid residue. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ # Load radii from parameters package aa_radii = ca_parameters.aa_radii radii = [] for r in self.topology.residues(): if in aa_radii: radii.append(aa_radii[]) else: raise ValueError('Residue '' not found in radii dictionary.') self.setParticlesRadii(radii)
[docs] def setAARadiusPerAtomType(self, ff_radii='amber'): """ Sets the excluded volume radii of the atoms to the sigma value of the oplsaa or amber (default) forcefield. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ if ff_radii not in ['oplsaa', 'amber']: raise ValueError('Implemented radii include only: oplsaa and amber') if ff_radii == 'oplsaa': sigmas = oplsaa.protein_parameters elif ff_radii == 'amber': sigmas = amber.protein_parameters atoms_radii = [] for r in self.topology.residues(): if ff_radii == 'amber': if 'OXT' in [ for atom in r.atoms()]: residue_name = 'C' else: residue_name = else: residue_name = if residue_name in sigmas: for a in r.atoms(): if in sigmas[residue_name]: atom_name = else: raise ValueError('Atom '' of residue '+residue_name+' not found in '+ff_radii+' radii dictionary.') atoms_radii.append(sigmas[residue_name][atom_name]['sigma']) else: raise ValueError('Residue '+residue_name+' not found in '+ff_radii+' radii dictionary.') self.setParticlesRadii(atoms_radii)
## User-hidden functions ## def _setParameters(term, parameters): """ General function to set up or change force field parameters. Parameters ---------- term : dict Dictionary object containing the set of degrees of freedom (DOF) to set up attributes to (e.g. bonds attribute) parameters : integer or float or list Value(s) for the specific forcefield parameters. If integer or float, sets up the same value for all the DOF in terms. If list, sets a unique parameter for each DOF. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(parameters, int): parameters = float(parameters) #Set constant parameter for each item in FF term if isinstance(parameters, float): for item in term: term[item] = term[item][:-1]+(parameters,) #Set unique parameter for each item in FF term if isinstance(parameters, list): assert len(parameters) == len(list(term.keys())) for i, item in enumerate(term): term[item] = term[item][:-1]+(parameters[i],) def _checkContactFileType(contact_file): """ Function to check the format of the input contact file. Parameters ---------- contact_file : string Name of the input contact file. Returns ------- None """ with open(contact_file,'r') as cf: lengths = [len(l.split()) for l in cf if not l.startswith('#')] lengths = list(set(lengths)) if len(lengths) != 1: return False elif lengths[0] == 4: return 'smog' elif lengths[0] == 2: return '2column' else: return False return chain_ids
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